Clever Marvel Rivals exploit doubles Captain America’s damage

In Marvel Rivals, Captain America’s attacks can be cancelled if you’ve got the right timing. This allows him to attack much faster than intended.
And, considering that he requires two melee hits to get ranged attacks, being able to get those punches out fast is essential when it comes to taking out key targets like Hela or Hawkeye.
A clip has circulated of someone showing off this strategy in the practice range, with the user claiming they’re going to “gatekeep” how to do it.
But, it this clip real? Is this actually possible? Yes, it is. Although, it’s not as easy as the video would lead you to believe. There are a few things you’ll need to know in order to do this trick properly and start dishing out big damage with Captain America.
How to attack cancel with Captain America in Marvel Rivals
Before you hop into game and try this out, there’s one critical step you’ll have to do first. In the settings menu for Captain America specifically, there’s an option that lets you toggle sprint.
Under his combat settings in the keyboard tab (or controller if you’re using controller), disable the setting titled ‘Hold to Dash’. If you don’t do this, this Captain America trick will not work. It’s absolutely necessary.
There’s a learning curve on this considering most Cap players will hold sprint while they’re attacking to stick to a target. As a result, attempting to attack cancel with him drastically raises the skill floor on the hero and will require some getting used to.
However, once you do this, attacking will immediately cancel your sprint and pressing the key will get you right back into sprinting. As a result you can attack > sprint > attack > sprint and repeatedly cancel your hits on a rhythm to boost your attack speed.
The timing on this takes some getting used to, but, once you get fast enough with it, you can easily double Captain America’s damage output and burst down backline targets almost as fast as squishy backline assassins can.
Captain America isn’t regarded as a very strong pick compared to other tanks in Marvel Rivals, but this trick may well change that. Don’t be surprised if we end up seeing some really, really good Cap players in high ranks abusing this trick soon.
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