Can you request a trade in MLB The Show 25 Road to the Show?

Like in every sport, sometimes players need a change of scenery to be happy, and that also applies to Road to the Show in MLB The Show 25.

Road to the Show received a much-needed overhaul in MLB The Show 25. For the first time in series history, players start their journies as seniors in high school. After that, you can attend college or play Minor League ball.

If you do decide to go the route of playing college baseball, make sure to check out our rankings of the best schools.

Once you do finally reach the big leagues, it’s not always a guarantee that you land in the best situation. So, if you want to get traded, here is everything you need to know.

Can you request a trade in MLB The Show 25?

Even though it was an option in previous games, you cannot request a trade in MLB The Show 25.

However, there’s still a way you can navigate the situation and end up in a different team in Road to the Show, but it requires some extra legwork and a little bit of luck.

Before reaching the point where you need to request a trade, we recommend choosing which team you want to be drafted to.

After playing in high school, your agent will ask if you have a preferred team to play on. After you choose that team, there is a high likelihood that they will draft you right out of high school.

There is a tradeoff because this means you won’t be able to play in college and will have to spend more time in the Minor League as a lower-ranked prospect. However, if you want to choose your team, this is the best way to do so.

Yet, even if you do choose your team, there is always a chance that you still want a trade down the road, so let’s jump right into what’s required.

How to get traded in RTTS

The best way to get traded in RTTS is to increase the  “Trade Frequency” slider. This doesn’t guarantee that you will get traded, but it increases the odds of a move happening.

Or, if you play well for multiple seasons, your agent will reach out and ask how you feel about your current situation.

By answering, “I’ve never seen myself with my team” or “I’d like to play somewhere else,” you will most likely get traded soon after.

How to increase the Trade Frequency indicator in Road to the Show

Trade Frequency meter in MLB The Show 25

To change the default setting for this option you need to follow these steps:

  1. Open MLB The Show 24.
  2. Enter Road to the Show mode.
  3. Open the settings.
  4. Look for the “Trade Frequency” option.
  5. Slide it all the way to the right.

For more on MLB The Show 25, check out how Weekend Classic works.

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