Box Art Brawl: Wario Land 3

Be sure to cast your votes in the poll below; but first, let’s check out the box art designs themselves.


Image: Nintendo / Launchbox

The European design shows ol’ Wario in a series of different unfortunate incidents, each set against a plain sky backdrop. It’s pretty goofy to look at, and we like the cartoony design of each sprite (and the way that bat overlaps with the GBC border), but perhaps it’s not the most detailed out there.

North America

Wario Land 3 - NA
Image: Nintendo / Launchbox

The North American design takes the same Wario figure as the European one, but the background has been completely revamped, with the game’s central music box taking pride of place. The more we look at it, the more we miss those goofy Wario sprites.


Wario Land 3 - JP
Image: Nintendo / Launchbox

Finally, the Japanese variant. This is very similar to the NA version in terms of the central images, but man, is there a lot more text in the way here! The overall background image takes up more of the frame, but an extended title and orange footer mean that more of it is left covered up.

Thanks for voting! We’ll see you next time for another round of Box Art Brawl.

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