Box Art Brawl – River King: Mystic Valley (DS)

Image: Nintendo Life

Hello folks, and welcome to another edition of Box Art Brawl!

Last time, we looked at Star Fox 64, and gosh, it was quite a close match. Both designs are pretty great in our eyes, but ultimately Japan won the day with 54% of the vote, while the Western design managed to nab 46%. Well done, Japan!

We’ve got a bit of a doozy for you this time folks; if only because one of the designs here is hilariously bad. We’re looking at River King: Mystic Valley for the DS, a Marvelous Entertainment game originally launched in 2008. We have Tokyo Game Life on Bluesky to thank for this one.

We have another instance here in which the game’s titled was altered for its European release, so River King: Mystic Valley is now… Harvest Fishing. Not only that, but the accompanying box art is… well, you’ll see.

Let battle commence!

Be sure to cast your votes in the poll below; but first, let’s check out the box art designs themselves.

North America

River King - NA
Image: Marvelous Entertainment / Launchbox

North America and Japan share many similarities with their cover designs. North America has its logo situated on the top, while the cast of characters makes up the bulk of the composition beneath. It’s quite busy, but we reckon it works quite well; especially with the slightly blurred out background.


River King - JP
Image: Marvelous Entertainment / Launchbox

Japan flips things around and has its logo located on the bottom of the composition. We can’t speak for you fine folks, but we actually prefer this approach. Our eyes are automatically drawn to the characters above (which are slightly larger here), and it feels like a slightly more natural layout. The background is also significantly lighter, which makes the characters stand out a bit more.


River King - EU
Image: Marvelous Entertainment / Launchbox


Okay, so let’s vote!

Thanks for voting! We’ll see you next time for another round of Box Art Brawl.

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