Black Ops 6’s Mastery camo grind just got a lot easier in Season 1 Reloaded

If you’re looking to complete the Mastery camo grind in Black Ops 6 multiplayer, the Season 1 Reloaded update just made some of the most frustrating challenges much more straightforward.
Ever since its launch back in November, Black Ops 6 players have been at work trying to unlock Dark Matter camo. While many streamers completed the feat within the first couple of weeks, for the average player, this can take months to finish.
Once you’re done with the most popular categories like Assault Rifles and SMGs, you have to move on to the more obscure guns with more difficult challenges. Melee weapons like the Knife and Baseball Bat can be tricky if you’re not playing Stakeout, but one of the most annoying is the Launcher challenges.
Luckily, following the release of the Black Ops 6 Season 1 Reloaded update, Treyarch have made Launcher camos much easier to grind.
Launcher camos much easier in Black Ops 6 Season 1 Reloaded
Before the update, Gold and Dark Spine for the CIGMA 2B and HE-1 required you to destroy three and five Scorestreaks or vehicles respectively in a single match. Given that there’s no guarantee the enemy team will call in that many streaks, plus how tricky they can be to hit, this was a major hurdle on the way to Dark Matter.
Now, after the mid-season patch, both camos include enemy Equipment and Field Upgrades, as well as vehicles and Scorestreaks. This means you can destroy the other team’s Spring Mine, Prox Alarm, or Spy Cam with a Launcher and still make progress toward the challenges.
Items like these are much more common in multiplayer matches, so destroying three or five of them in one game is far more forgiving than the previous challenge.
As expected, players were extremely happy with the change, with many taking to Reddit to praise the decision.
“Fantastic news tbh, dark spine on the HE-1 was really gonna piss me off after how annoying gold was,” said one player, while another added: “This might be my biggest LFG of 2024.”
Of course, if you want to skip the Launcher camos altogether, you could instead grind new weapons like the Krig C or wait for the new AMR 4 Mod Sniper Rifle to arrive.
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