Black Ops 6 Zombies players already done with pointlessly difficult Jingle Hells mode

The festive celebrations continue with the Jingle Hells mode in Black Ops 6 Zombies, but after visiting the new-look Liberty Falls, players have called the mode a waste of time.
There’s been plenty for Zombies players to get excited about in recent weeks, from the release of the new Citadelle des Morts map to the GobbleGum Mania event. Now, as part of CODMAS, the Jingle Bells LTM has arrived.
This returning mode gives Liberty Falls a holiday-themed makeover complete with decorations and Snowballs you can throw at the undead. It also takes away the Mystery Box, Crafting Tables, and Arsenal Machines to ramp up the challenge.
BO6 Zombies claim “pointless” Jingle Hells rewards aren’t worth it
However, after the mode went live on December 18 and the community was able to experience it for the first time, many players were disappointed with what Jingle Hells had to offer. Reddit user ‘JulianG-‘ slammed the mode for offering virtually no additional rewards, despite the increased difficulty.
“In my opinion the new Mode just sucks. I mean there are literally zero rewards for completing anything under extremely difficult circumstances,” they said in a post. “I’m not a noob but there’s absolutely no joy for me in playing this.”
Plenty of other players agreed with the OP, calling out the lack of rewards for completing the Easter egg without the help of key resources.
“Thank goodness I’m not alone. This mode just sucks with only the new useless whimsical [GobbleGum] as a reward,” said one reply. “I wouldn’t be b**ching if they gave the gun drops from presents and snowmen Pack-A-Punch with increased tiers as you progress through the rounds. Overhyped for a mediocre and letdown result.”
This extra challenge was also a major sticking point for a lot of players, as many claimed that the difficulty had been ramped up to the point it was no longer fun.
“No scrap means you’re either stuck with your sh***y loadout gun, gambling on getting not-s**t guns in presents, or gambling on wall buys succeeding the roll to upgrade every 5 rounds,” said ‘DukeOfTheDodos.’ “I don’t plan on playing anymore unless there’s a legitimate incentive to do it.”
“Just boring and pointless. Making something so f****ng hard doesn’t suddenly make it fun,” added another reply.
The good news is that since Jingle Hells is only an LTM and doesn’t change the Easter egg in any way, there’s no need to play it if you don’t want to. Instead, this is intended to be fun festive mode to give Zombies players a new challenge.
If you do plan on taking it on, be sure to check out the best weapons in Black Ops 6 Zombies and all of the side Easter eggs on Liberty Falls.
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