Black Ops 6 removing MW3 2XP tokens is a huge slap in the face to loyal fans

Upon the release of Black Ops 6 Season 1, players were overjoyed upon discovering the developers had given them access to all their saved up double XP tokens from MW3 and Warzone. However, these tokens were removed just a day later, coming across as an absolute slap in the face for loyal fans of the series.
The process of leveling up weapons in Black Ops 6 moves at a snail’s pace, something the devs have come under fire for and promptly adjusted after backlash from players. It’s in a better spot now, but it’s still a massive grind even with double XP.
However, having hundreds of hours worth of tokens dropped into your inventory was surely a sigh of relief for the type of CoD player who wants to sit down and grind out every weapon. That relief was, unfortunately, short-lived.
A hotfix just one day later removed those extra tokens from Black Ops 6’s multiplayer, only offering them in MW3 and Warzone. For those who bought BO6 at launch, it’s hard not to interpret this as the devs trying to push you toward Warzone or back to MW3.
‘Yeah, you know that new game you just bought from us? Go play something else.’
Don’t worry, though, they were still thinking of the fact that players might not be too happy about this change. They’ve provided an award to Black Ops 6 players as compensation.
An entire 45 minutes of free double XP? How generous! I’m sure the players who just lost dozens of hours worth of double XP they were excited to use to grind multiplayer are thrilled.
What’s more, at the time of writing, you can go into Warzone, pop a token, and still gain double XP in Black Ops 6’s multiplayer anyways. If Activision is serious about depriving players of the tokens they earned, then this exploit will likely get patched out.
But this also proves that removing the function of tokens in multiplayer was a very purposeful and hastily implemented change to patch out the “issue” before players got to use their 2XP.
In the patch notes, it was even labelled as a bug that had to be fixed.
The worst part is that Black Ops 6 is really, really good. It’s probably the best CoD multiplayer experience the franchise has had in years (aside from the maps). Which makes it so difficult to understand why Activision would make such a short-sighted decision for the sake of the extra retention they may earn from forcing players to spend more time grinding.
They had a free PR slam dunk and decided to throw the ball right in the face of their most loyal players instead. The people who benefit most from having so much double XP are the people who are going to grind the game out and buy skins anyways.
Backlash from players has been swift and universally negative, and rightfully so. Hopefully the people behind this change reconsider their decision and give players back what’s rightfully theirs.