Best Destiny 2 Yesterday’s Question god roll for PvE & PvP in Episode Heresy

Destiny 2’s Trials of Osiris PvP event returned to the Tower on March 21 and, just like Exalted Truth, this week’s reward is best suited for use in the PvE sandbox.

First introduced in Episode Revenant, Yesterday’s Question is one of four Heavy Burst Hand Cannons. Despite having access to some incredible perk rolls, however, it’s largely gone ignored for an entire season due to primarily synergizing with Arc.

With Heresy introducing massive buffs to the Light subclass, Yesterday’s Question is worth an appraisal, not least for an incredible add-clear roll that’ll make mincemeat of your enemies.

Yesterday’s Question PvE & PvP god rolls – Meta analysis

PVE God Roll PVP God Roll

The Yesterday’s Question roll you’ll be hunting in Trials of Osiris while it’s the featured weapon is Dragonfly with Voltshot. While the former perk has fallen to the wayside somewhat in favor of element-specific perks such as Destabilizing Rounds, Incandescent, and Jolting Feedback, Dragonfly is still an all-around excellent add-clear tool.

Due to its painfully slow reload speed not being a great natural fit for Voltshot, you’ll want to prioritize Flared Magwell and a Reload Speed Masterwork to compensate.

In PvP, you know the drill. Anything that boosts range and increases consistency is going to be what you want for Shaxx’s Crucible. Ricochet Rounds, Rapid Hit, and Headseeker are best-in-slot here. Specifically, Warlock mains should equip Ophidian Aspect to eliminate Yesterday’s Question’s slow reload speed.

For more Destiny 2 meta recommendations, check out our tier lists for all the best PvP and PvE weapons as of Episode Heresy Act 2.

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