Battlefield 6 Has Class Again!
Revel in the return of the Assault, Engineer, Recon, and Medic; say goodbye to Specialists! If you preferred the way that the last Battlefield broke down your abilities this is bad news, but for those of use who have been playing since 1942 it’s a welcome return. EA have also reinstated that wee window showing spawn points when you get killed, so you can watch your squad mates while waiting for the spawn time countdown and possibly see a good reason to spawn somewhere else.
On the down side there are now fancy animations for the victory screens which is likely a way to sell hats, but thankfully you can choose to simply not care. EA tried to pull all the leaked videos, but have given up after realizing that the internet is forever and there is no way to get them all. As you can see by the image, map destructibility is once again a big thing. You can watch the four leaked videos over at Rock, Paper, SHOTGUN.
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