Batman Arkham Shadow shows that nothing is ever good enough for ‘fans’

After nearly a decade in the shadows, a brand new Batman Arkham game was finally announced this past week. Fans salivated at the idea of being able to play Batman again after so many years — especially after the disappointment that was Suicide Squad — but this upcoming release changed one major thing: it was a VR-only game.

What transpired is one of the more juvenile things I’ve seen in the video game industry lately — something that’s saying a lot, given the behavior you can find from fanboys and forum warriors roaming social media. As of this writing, the trailer for Batman: Arkham Shadow has over 1.6 million views, 31K likes, and 110K dislikes.

AC thVRsday

In his weekly column, Android Central Senior Content Producer Nick Sutrich delves into all things VR, from new hardware to new games, upcoming technologies, and so much more.

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