Amazon is mimicking the wrong company with rumored ‘Remarkable Alexa’ subscription

What you need to know

  • Amazon is reportedly considering a paid tier for its Alexa voice assistant, which could cost between $5 and $10 per month. 
  • The new AI assistant could be called “Remarkable Alexa” and feature enhanced artificial intelligence-based features.
  • Amazon would be joining the likes of Google, Microsoft, and OpenAI in asking consumers to pay a premium for AI software.

Artificial intelligence sparked a big period of investment in the technology following the release of OpenAI’s ChatGPT. Companies want to spend money on research and development for AI to appease investors wanting to know what they’re doing to capitalize on the industry‘s latest buzzword. 

Now that the investment period has been underway for well over a year for many companies, there’s one thing left to do, and that’s monetize it. And if you’ve been following the tech industry lately, companies have a clear preference for monetizing AI through subscriptions.

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