Refreshed Destiny 2 Sidearm single-handedly puts the entire archetype to shame

Destiny 2’s Iron Banner returned for the first time in Episode Heresy on February 18, and it’s most lucrative reward has gone silently under the radar.

While many eyes are quite rightly on new Trace Rifle Warlord’s Spear, this iteration of the PvP event also provided a much-needed perk refresh for Peacebond.

Originally added in Season 15, the Stasis-element Sidearm has received a huge amount of love from Bungie in Heresy and now boasts some of the most incredible perk combos viable across all areas of the sandbox.

If other Adaptive, three-round burst Sidearms, hope to compete with Peacebond going forward, they’re going to need similar treatment, but for now, these are the rolls you’re going to want before Iron Banner wraps up once more.

Peacebond PvE & PvP god rolls – Meta analysis

PvE god roll PvP god roll
Top-tier rolls for PvE and PvP are up for grabs.

Stasis may no longer be the meta top dog now that Revenant’s Artifact has been retired, but the Darkness subclass is still far from redundant. Headstone and Rimestealer continue to be the meta choice for any Stasis-based build, and that’s the combo you’re going to want for Peacebond in PvE.

For PvP on the other hand, your options are vast. This unassuming pistol can roll pretty much every desirable perk one would want for the Crucible and it’s worth testing out several different combos. For our money, Lone Wolf and Headseeker is likely to be the most consistent, providing massive stat buffs and an absurdly consistent TTK, regardless of precision accuracy.

On the flipside, if you’re finding yourself not proccing Lone Wolf much due to its close-quarters nature, Zen Moment paired with Desperado is a nutty combo and will allow you to go on a tear through the enemy team with enough support.

Remember that as of Heresy, Iron Banner has returned to a one-week duration whenever it’s active. Check out the schedule so you know exactly when you’ll be able to farm out your desired Peacebond roll.

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