How will a second Trump presidency affect the tech industry?

To understand how the tech landscape or anything else would function during a second Donald Trump presidency you first must understand Trump himself. Much ink has been spilled by people with various qualifications about Trump and his flaws, but I think it’s a lot simpler than people make it; Trump is purposefully divisive because he finds humor in the chaos it creates. The man wants to act the way he acts and it’s impossible to tell exactly what he thinks at any point in time. He will say anything to create controversy because he desires controversy. Many people love him for it.

This trait is also part of his political identity. You may love or loathe the man, but he wants you to manifest those emotions either way. He knows what to say and when to say it for maximum effect, and isn’t shy about it. You don’t know what Trump thinks because that’s not important to him and can change at the drop of a hat. He is the embodiment of the saying that any publicity is good publicity and his time in Hollywood taught him well.

Android & Chill

(Image credit: Future)

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