Apex Legends bans more than 100,000 accounts every month for cheating

Apex Legends developers have revealed that they ban more than 100,000 accounts every month for cheating.

Similar to nearly every other competitive shooter, Apex Legends has been inundated with cheaters for years. And the cheating tactics come in many different shapes and sizes, from aimbots and radar hacks to wallhacks and more.

Developer Respawn Entertainment has tried mitigating the issue as much as possible, relying on Easy Anti-Cheat to combat the efforts of rule breakers. As such, cheaters and hackers who don’t slip by the goalie get hit with account bans.

For the sake of transparency, developers have revealed the status of their ongoing battle against cheaters.

Respawn disclosed in a blog post that “more than 6 million accounts have been banned since launch.” Plus, over 100,000 accounts get banned on average every month.

The development studio continues to invest in increasing its efforts, specifically by expanding the anti-cheat team to provide 24/7 coverage.

“We’ve improved our processes, rolled out additional capabilities, and are continuing to deploy new tools and technologies faster than ever,” the post additionally notes.

Still, some Apex Legends players argue that 100,000 account bans per month and doubling down on anti-cheat isn’t enough to combat the rampant issue.

In response to Jake Lucky‘s tweet on the matter, one user pointed out the ongoing doxxing issues and said that “they may ban 100,000 cheaters a month but there is probs 5x that in the game and only growing.”

Others believe that while these “vanity metric[s]” look nice on paper, they ultimately mean nothing since banned cheaters just create new accounts to do it all over again.

Respawn isn’t the only company tackling tens of thousands of cheating accounts on a regular basis. Earlier this year, Activision hit Call of Duty cheaters with a ban wave that put more than 25,000 accounts out of commission.

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