Kingston FURY Renegade RGB DDR5 96GB Kit Review

Performance Testing

Memory benchmarking is about as useful as any number of other purely academic pursuits, but what sort of “review” would this be if I just claimed that it worked as advertised and showed some photos of the product? So, test results must be provided.

It may not surprise the astute reader to discover  that we will be using an Intel platform for our testing of this kit. Why? Well, running above 6000 MT/s on AMD, regardless of voltage, offers little to no advantage, depending on application. On Intel, on the other hand, the sky’s the limit.

The specs of the test system appear on the charts, and here I will clarify that our Intel Core i7-14700K was manually limited to the officially specified 253W Turbo and ICCMax 307A limits. No 4095W motherboard defaults here. (Read more about 14th Gen power in Gavin’s excellent review for AT.) Oh, and I forgot to indicate the GPU used, which was an NVIDIA GeForce RT4090 FE card.

First, a synthetic memory benchmark to show potential memory scaling:

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